School description > School description




The planning of the school includes lectures (see below) and research projects that are both mandatory to attend. The projects will be made in small groups with a tutor, and the last session (Saturday 24th morning) will be for the presentation of the projects' results to the whole school. The social activities (dinner and guided tour) are optional, but the participants are warmly invited to attend (there is no additional cost; those not participating shall inform the organizers as early as possible in order to adjust the reservations). The off-school sessions, in the evenings, are not mandatory. They will be self-organized by the participants to present their own research projects, or astronomical topics they are interested in. The access to the rooms to work on the projects will be possible at any time.

Lecturers and Lectures

(Venue: Bhaskara III) 

Spectrographs and spectra - observation and data-reduction techniques 

Ranjan Gupta (IUCAA, Pune)

Basics of spectroscopy, including the description of spectrographs and of their characteristics, of observational aspects and data reduction. 

Spectroscopic analysis and spectral classification

Philippe Prugniel (CRAL, Lyon); Harinder P. Singh (Delhi University, Delhi)

Extraction of information and astrophysical parameters from spectra: Feature measurements, model fitting. Automatic classification of spectra, deep learning.

Integral field spectroscopy, the art to split the light into pieces

Roland Bacon (CRAL, Lyon)

History: the emergence of integral field spectroscopy; The IFS zoo (lenslet based IFS, finer based IFS, slicer based IFS, deployable multi-IFU); Comparing the various species; The 3rd generation IFS: MUSE


Gnuastro (tutorial) and principles of preparing 'reproducible research'

Mohammad Akhlaghi (IAC, Tenerife)

Reproducible research and tutorial on estimating broad-band galaxy colors using GNU Astronomy Utilities.

 Spectral classification and Applications of Stellar Spectroscopy

Sunetra Giridhar (IIA, Bengaluru)

We describe the usage of stellar spectra in deriving important stellar parameters like temperature, gravity, radial velocity, rotation velocity, mass, chemical composition and magnetic field


A. N. Ramprakash (IUCAA, Pune)

The talk will introduce basics of polarization, optical polarimetry techniques and challenges in the context of astronomy.

Deep Learning Applications to Stellar and X-ray Binary Spectra

A. K. Kembhavi (IUCAA,Pune)

Machine Learning and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have for long been used in astronomy to address classification problems. They provide very useful means for quickly and reliably addressing problems which would be very difficult to approach through conventional means. In recent years Deep Learning, which is at the heart of applications like face recognition and “driverless” cars has become a very important tool for researchers.  In my talk I will describe the basics of Machine and Deep Learning and some interesting applications of these techniques to the classification of stellar spectra and the identification of compact objects in X-ray binaries from their energy spectrum.  

Extragalactic research by AstroSat

Kanak Saha (IUCAA, Pune)

The talk will highlight some of the extragalactic observations carried out by the UltraViolet Imaging telescope onboard AstroSat.


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